Watercolor moments...


I'm slowly adding more and more Scrapbook pages and paper art projects to the blog.  It was slow going at first but I usually get a lot more done once the summer months are over.  Thank gosh for routine and the chance to get back a since of normalcy.  Normalcy for me is having that balance between day to day things and my art practice as well as making times for photos and editing.  I did quite a bit of travel over the summer and that was exactly what I wanted but that means that some of the things I love to do get pushed back a bit.  

Today I'm sharing a soft pink page I made using some of the Maggie Holmes Carousel collection elements and my favorite go to item "tulle"!  I enjoy adding an unfamiliar item sometimes to pages, especially this one because it lets me dust off my sewing machine which I just seem to ignore for months at a time sadly.  


I wanted a lot of weight on the bottom of the page and I new the dark colored tulle wouldn't quite do it so of course I added a little wash of color using one of my gelatos.  Once it was dry I cut a few strips of dark grey tulle and flesh colored tulle into short strips slight longer than 12 inches. As I attach them with my machine I scrunch them a little while I'm sewing to get that soft ripple effect. That was meant to be the main impact of the page along with watercolor flowers.

A few watercolor flowers from my stash and some cute thickers from the "Carousel" collection was all I needed to create a simple fun page.  


Some other things I like to explore with are hand-drawn elements, fabric, tissue paper, sewing patterns and paint!  Why not throw something fun in that's not usually meant for this medium!  The outcome is always so different and fun.  I'll be sharing another page very soon!