Give me simple things...

Give me simple things.  A plain box, white cardstock and a box of paints and I will try to make something of it.  Remix it somehow.  I find joy in these things, in things that don't seem to fit together when you first lay your eyes on them.  I find joy in things that are not quite the way they should be.  Colors that don't seem to mix, or an uncomfortable contrast in colors.  Color has always been interesting to me to explore. Mixing colors is a fun place I like to find myself doing often and I feel I haven't quite stretched myself enough.  Lately I've just been letting myself play and mix up my watercolors in new ways.

In my effort to bring fun and interesting content to my new place I’m sharing some fun gift boxes that will be available in my shop soon.  I wanted to create a space where I could separate my interest a bit, share fun random artsy post as well as new things I’ve been working on.  It’s all about the journey and mine is sort of all over the place but my new little spot might keep things in balance in some way.

I do hope you'll stop by my little spot from time to time!  

Thanks for stopping by! 

Discovering Charleston

When I happened to get a few days off at the beginning of the New Year,  I just had to jump at the chance to get out of town for a few days.  Traveling more has always been an intention of mine and this year just has to be the year I make that jump.  Learning to live slightly different and change the things that you value in order to do more of what you want was my number one priority this year.  So it will have to be a little less shoe shopping and frivolous buying and a little more saving. 

Rainbow Row


For 4 days me and my son took a quick trip up to Charleston.  I had plans to go back in October of last year but hurricane Mathew was an imminent threat so I had to put my plans off for a while.  It was a quick 4 hour drive and we were there ready to sample lots of food and do plenty of site seeing.  


The food on the other hand is an entire different subject and I had some of the best meals I’ve ever had.  Me and my son are still talking about the biscuits and poogans porch! Unfortunately I never get any photos of meals because I'm always too hungry to pull out my camera!

Boone Hall Plantation

WaterFront Park

WaterFront Park

Boone Hall Plantation

Sometimes you see pictures of a place and you see the look of it but you just have to go there to feel the vibe and pace.   I really did love the vibe of this charming part of South Carolina.  It was truly colorful and lively place.  I couldn’t help but admire every little winding road and street.  Even the alleyways were lined with pretty floral bushes and cobblestoned roads.  I visited during the winter but can’t wait to go back in spring when the magnolia trees and crepe myrtles begin to bloom.  

Something new...

I'm so excited to finally share the launch of my new blog Freshcut Studio! I've been working behind the scenes trying to tweak as much as I can being this was a solo venture of mine.  It's all so overwhelming and I had to make an attempt at rolling all of my randomness into one little cohesive spot!

When thinking about my vision for this little space of mine I think of an inviting space filled with lovely inspiration, color and randomness.  Just because sometimes that’s what gets me started creatively, total randomness.  I can see a rug and the colors and shapes of it and get a little creative spark from that one image.  Or see a fun floral bouquet and just the juxtaposition of colors will spark some interest!  I have always loved art and found certain calm from being around anything art related.  Museums are my jam!  I could wander for days in them.  I think nature is profound and dynamic so the dance between the two is kind of a forever thing for me.  There might be some randomness from my travels spread around from time to time as well. And there may be some tweaking going on from time to time as I add more and more over from my last blog into my galleries here.  

In other words I like to think of my page as a visual journey that I carry you all on. I hope to evolve, learn, and grow. I can't say for sure in which direction I will go, paths for creatives are rarely straight, but I will promise it will be colorful and bright!

Stay tuned...