Hello and welcome to Joyaa Studio! I’m so delighted to share all these beauties with everyone and all the things I’ve been creating. I’m such a lover of travel that I decided to create the “Travelers Collection” inspired by my love of the places I've been and hope to visit. I notice the colors first when traveling and you’ll notice a lot of my pieces are names from gorgeous colorful cities in Italy, Greece and more…Even though some of these cities are aged and historical spots I still recognize the sorbet colors or pinks and oranges, the lemon yellows and ombre lavenders and greens. These interesting cities only fuel my passion for travel! So I’m so glad to introduce you to my small collection of sorbet and ombre colored jewels! Let’s Celebrate with color and thank you for stopping by!!!

I remember how captivated I was by the colors in Rome. Around every corner there were colors of peach, orange and yellows. It was heavenly to see and the first and last thing I remember about that visit. Visually it was stunning!. Even signs were inspiring in some way. Everyone sees beauty in different ways and it is truly a subjective thing. My travels were awhile ago but subconsciously all the beauty I saw was always in the back of my head.

The colors in my collection remind me of the things I've seen and hope to see. You will notice that all of my pieces are named after lovely colorful cities that are on my list to visit. My collection is all about the courage to go and do the things that make you happy! No matter what that might be.